My name is Raymond Yu.

I am a startup freelancer dedicated to helping startup business achieve success in the online market and realize their dreams. Let us embark this journey together and help each other grow as much as we can!
More about me
I am a graduate from University of California, Irvine with a Bachelor's in Computer Engineering and minor in Computer Science. I have a huge background in many aspects of software engineering with knowledge in Python, Java, C/C++, Database Management Systems, and have recently added HTML and CSS into my repertoire.

With my skills I have discovered a love for building beautiful websites/webpages that people can appreciate in terms of both aesthetics and usability. I want to share more of my craft with the world by becoming a freelance web developer.

I love all things problem solving (not just software related) and am a profound perfectionist. I am very particular and passionate about the many things that I do - from the way I write my code to how I word my emails and even to how I do exercises at the gym. I hone into the smallest of details of my every action, for better or for worse. However, there is one thing I can guarantee: you are in good hands. Perfection is the aim and failure is not an option. The projects that we collaborate on will be handled with extreme care and completed with utmost quality.

Other than building beautiful websites, my other passions in life include playing video games and adventuring with my friends and family. More recently, I have been focusing specifically on my physical and mental health by working out at the gym and practicing meditation. I also have a thing for bartending and wine tasting. If we happen to work together, please don't be afraid to ask me about some of these topics as I am always willing to share.

My Values

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Professionalism is key for any work environment. I uphold high standards for what I do and how I act in and out of work. My clients and their time will always be prioritized and respected. I will maintain great enthusiasm and a positive work ethic.
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Communication and Transparency
Progress on our projects may go smoothly or maybe we hit some speed bumps on the way. Whatever the case, you will be updated at every step of the way. I will ensure informative communication with 100% honesty.
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Collaborative Environment
The most fun part of group projects is working with my partners and bouncing our ideas off of each other to create something incredible. This concept is no different between me and my clients. Let us work together towards our goal and fuel each other's creative engines.