Web Development

MaxStrong Landing Page

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"Welcome to MaxStrong – where strength meets innovation and fitness transforms into an empowering journey."


A landing page for our fantasy fitness brand MaxStrong created using HTML and CSS. The result is a page that resembles a minimalistic Shopify home page whose aesthetics are very easy on the eyes and would make a great landing page fit for any fitness brand, fantasy or not.


Header and Page 1

This landing page follows a very Shopify-esque design. The header has the classic look of the brand logo on the left and navigation links aligned on the right.

Page 1 resembles the image with text section in Shopify with a "Contact Us" button.

Page 2

Page 2 is another image and text section.

Page 3

Page 3 is another image with text section but with an altered background color. This is similar to how we can change backgrounds for individual sections in Shopify.

Page 4

Page 4 consists of a grid used to advertise the benefits of exercise. This page is more complex than a typical Shopify section and isn't a usual feature that can be added using Shopify's platform.


Our landing page is complete with the typical footer with navigation links, email subscription form, and copyright info.